Anaconda Python Download For Android

Anaconda is a good tool for Python application development. If you have anaconda installed, working with opencv becomes easier. You may follow: Install Anaconda tutorial if Anaconda is not installed yet.

Install OpenCV Python with Anaconda

Download the app pydroid3. Open the app, on the top there is a 3 line button. Click on it there is PIP option click on it. In PIP click on install and type jupyter. Anaconda Python Studio is an Visual Rad IDE for the Anaconda Python Language for users who will built Light Vision for Windows and Linux and later also MacOSX, IOS on IPhone, Android and Windows Mobile as well. Download Anaconda apk 1.0 for Android. Classic game snake. Fail to download Android SDK in Linux and Python 3.3 #110 Unable to add 'requirements' buildozer.spec #109 TypeError: 'encoding' is an invalid keyword argument for this function #106. First you will have to download latest Android SDK from Google and setup your Android Virtual Device. If you like you can directly develop your Android application on your phone device. Skip to “Installing SL4A and Python for Android” if you want to directly develop on your phone. Download Android SDK. For Linux download the tar ball.

To install OpenCV Python with Anaconda, use following pip command.

$ pip install opencv-python
$ pip install opencv-python
Downloading opencv_python- (24.9MB)
Requirement already satisfied:numpy>=1.11.3in/usr/lib/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from opencv-python)
Successfully installed opencv-python-

OpenCV package for Python is successfully installed.

Following is a simple program to verify the OpenCV Python package. We shall use methods of cv2 to read and display an image.

import cv2

When you run the above example, the following image would be displayed in a separate window.

  • 23 January 2017


Install Termux from Google Play, open it and run:

Copy the URL printed to the screen (it will look something likehttp://localhost:8888/?token=longstringofcharacters)and paste it into Chrome/Firefox. Enjoy!

Read on for more tips and a few tweaks.

UPDATE (25-01-2017):There were a few dependencies that I had left out of the instructions forinstalling numpy et al. I edited the post to make things more complete andclear.

Some background

I bought my first tablet last October, anNVIDIA Shield K1.I had been putting off getting one because I never could think of a good usefor them.I have my phone for messaging and Internet, my kindle for reading, and myLinux laptop for working.It seemed to me that the tablet would be a nice toy but not something I coulduse and justify the purchase.

The dream would be to be able to ditch my laptop and do actual work on thetablet.Mark O'Connor wrote about doing just that onYieldThoughtbut he cheats a bit by running everything on a Linode server.And how does anyone do scientific programming these days without a Jupyternotebook?

I finally gave in, thinking that I would use the tablet mainly for readingpapers and taking notes.Maybe even play a few games.Then I discovered Termux.

Show, don't tell

Here is a screencast of me running a Jupyter notebookserver on my tablet.Notice that the URL is localhost:8888/ so this is not a remote server.

Setting up your terminal

Install Termux from Google Play and open it.You'll be dropped into a bash terminal, like the one below.

Termux uses the apt package manager so you can install packages pretty muchlike you would on Debian/Ubuntu.

The first thing I do on any new computer is install git so that I can fetch myconfiguration files from Github:

Before cloning the repository, I need to generate a new SSH key (only requiredif you use the SSH protocol with git):

Then I can clone my dotfilesrepository:

Now my Termux terminal looks just like my Linux terminal on my laptops.

Installing the Scipy stack

Anaconda python download for android apk

If you're from the pre-Anaconda era, you'll probably remember the frustrationof trying to pip install numpy scipy matplotlib.Sadly, there is no Anaconda for Termux so we're stuck with using the systempython and pip to install packages.

But don't despair!Things work more smoothly these days (if you follow themagic incantations).Sadly, the scipy library itself so far can't be installed without significanteffort.Even then you might not be able to do it because of all the Fortranrequirements (BLAS, LAPACK, and gfortran).So for now, we have to make do with numpy only.

First, we must install python it self (version 3.6), the headers files, a C compiler,and the FFTW package from Termux:

Now we can install numpy using pip:

For matplotlib, we'll need to install a few more dependencies:

And for Jupyter we need to install the zmq library as well:

Finally, we can get pandas:

Now you have access to things like ipython on the command-line:

One thing that won't work are matplotlib plots because there is no backend forAndroid.You can, however, use %matplotlib inline or %matplotlib notebook insideJupyter notebooks to get the plots working.Using plt.savefig without using should also work.

To get a Jupyter notebook server running, so the same thing you would on anyother computer:

The server won't automatically open a browser butyou can copy the URL from the output and paste it into Chrome or Firefox.

Getting comfortable

While it is possible to do some work using this setup (I wrote part of thispost on the tablet using Vim and pushing to the website's Githubrepo), it may not be the most productiveenvironment.Here are a few tips for making life a little bit easier.

  • Enable extra keys (esc, ctrl, tab) to complement your touch keyboard by pressing 'Volume Up' + Q. Can you imagine using a terminal without tab completion?
  • Get a bluetooth keyboard. I bought the Logitech 920-003390. It's not great but much better than a touch screen.
  • If you want to use the touch screen, you'll need the Hacker's Keyboard app to execute your code cells with Shift+Enter and not go crazy.
  • Remap Esc to anything else when using Vim. Esc shows the homescreen on Android and is a very frustrating habit to loose.
Anaconda python download for android studio

Things that are still missing

This setup works and is way beyond what I expected to be able to accomplishwith a $200 tablet.However, going back to pip installing numpy feels a bit like I'm back in 2010.What I've missed the most is Anacondaand the conda package manager.Having a prebuilt bundle certainly makes life a lot easier.But I miss the conda environments the most.I use them extensively for my projects and papers. Directsoft 5 keycode.

The scipy package. So yeah, that is still missing as well. A lot of things canbe done using numpy replacements (numpy.fft instead of scipy.fftpack etc)though they are usually slower.

Another recent arrival that has made a huge impact on my daily work is conda-forge.This project greatly democratizes conda packages.Now anyone can build their own packages for Linux, Windows, and Mac.It would be awesome to have some for Android as well.Assuming that you can get conda installed, the major difficulty mightbe finding a continuous integration service that runs Android and setting upthe infrastructure.

Anaconda Python Download For Android Studio

Let me know if you try this out! Is there another setup that you use? Whatelse is missing? Gta sa lite apk download for android mali. Do you think we'll be able to fully work like this one day?

The Jupyter logo was downloaded from their Github repository(jupyter/design).The Android logo is CC BY 2.5Google Inc.,via Wikimedia Commons.

Comments? Let me know on Twitter (tweet @leouieda).

Anaconda Python Download For Android Apk

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